Bastian Raschke

Senior Android Engineer @ Reydix

Currently living in Hamburg. Besides professional Android app development, I like electronics and security related projects.

// TODO: Add some awesome code to impress people |
Bastian Raschke portrait


OpenEAS (Open Embedded Authentication System) is the title of my thesis. It is a complete solution to send/receive data from a smartphone app to a control unit in the car (CAN bus) in a secure way. It consists of a smartphone app (Android) and an embedded control unit. The main goals of the system are:

  • High security to make it hard to hack/break in
  • Modular system (use for multiple applications: automotive, connected industry, smart home)
  • Low cost / off the shelf materials (only around 250€)

OpenEAS app running on Android smartphone
OpenEAS app running on Android smartphone

Electric vehicle “Renault Twizy” connected to OpenEAS
Electric vehicle “Renault Twizy” connected to OpenEAS

Technical details

OpenEAS Overview architecture

  • The smartphone app communicates via encrypted Wi-Fi (WPA2) to the control unit
  • The communication protocol is also encrypted (HTTPS with TLS)
  • The clients (smartphone app) are authenticated via client certificates
  • The pairing is done via a QR code scanned by the user with the smartphone app
  • Uses CAN bus to communicate with car / industrial machines
  • Includes an additional tamper resistant embedded device that stores secret keys
  • No internet connection

Thesis award of IHK Trier

My thesis won the price of the sponsor "Industrie- und Handelskammer Trier" in 2016:

Thesis award of IHK Trier

Used technologies

Android SDK Python Debian Embedded Electronics Security